၁ – ကုသလတၱိက ၇ – ပဥႇာ၀ါရ
၁ – ပစၥယာႏုေလာမ ၁ – ၀ိဘဂၤ၀ါရ
၈ – နိႆယပစၥေယာ Nissaya Paccayo (Dependence condition)
- Nissaya Paccaya Paccayaniddeso
- Nissayapaccayo’ti — Cattāro khandhā arūpino aññamaññaṃ nissayapaccayena paccayo. Cattāro mahābhūtā aññamaññaṃ nissayapaccayena paccayo. Okkantikkhaṇe nāmarūpaṃ aññamaññaṃ nissaya-paccayena paccayo. Cittacetasikā dhammā cittasamuṭṭhānānaṃ rūpānaṃ nissayapaccayena paccayo. Mahābhūtā upādārūpānaṃ nissayapaccayena paccayo.
Cakkhāyatanaṃ cakkhuviññāṇadhātuyā taṃsampayuttakānañca dhammānaṃ nissaya-paccayena paccayo. Sotāyatanaṃ sotaviññāṇadhātuyā taṃsampayuttakānañca dhammānaṃ nissaya-paccayena paccayo. Ghānāyatanaṃ ghānaviññāṇadhātuyā taṃsampayuttakānañca dhammānaṃ nissayapaccayena paccayo. Jivhāyatanaṃ jivhāviññāṇadhātuyā taṃsampayuttakānañca dhammānaṃ nissayapaccayena paccayo. Kāyāyatanaṃ kāyaviññāṇadhātuyā taṃsampayuttakānañca dhammānaṃ nissayapaccayena paccayo. Yaṃ rūpaṃ nissāya manodhātu ca manoviññāṇadhātu ca vattanti, taṃ rūpaṃ manodhātuyā ca manoviññāṇadhātuyā ca taṃsampayuttakānañca dhammānaṃ nissaya-paccayena paccayo.
- Nissaya Paccayo (Dependence condition)
Number eight is Nissaya Paccaya. ‘Nissaya’ means something you depend on. It is translated as support. Nissaya is compared to a canvas for painting. The canvas is the support for the painting. You put the painting on the canvas. Canvas is Nissaya, a support. Nissaya is also compared to the earth. We all exist on the earth the beings as well as trees and others. In the same way, Nissaya condition serves as something to depend upon.
Nissaya paccaya means dependent comdition. Example of dependent condition are
trees have to depend on the earth or the ground, without which there will not be any tree.
paitings have to depend on the cloth where they are painted, without which there will not be any painting.
earthern pots have to depend on the earth material, without this there will not be any earthern pot at all.
In the 1st sentence of above Pali it is said that there are 4 nama kkhandhas or 4 non material aggregates. These four aggregates have to depend on each other and this is called annamanna nissaya paccaya or mutuality dependent condition. As these 4 namakkhandhas arise at the same time they can be in the conditional relationship called sahajata nissaya paccaya or conasence dependent condition. This means that without another of others each cannot arise and each has to depend on another and as they arise at the same time, and mutually dependent they are called both annamanna nissaya paccaya or mutuality dependent condition and sahajata nissaya or conasence dependent condition.
By the same token all of 4 maha bhuta rupas or 4 great elements have to depend on each other. When there is pathavi there are also tejo, vayo and apo and vice versa for all other three maha bhuta rupas. Without one component another or others cannot arise at all and this is mutually dependent condition and called annamanna nissaya paccaya. As they also arise at the same time they can be called as sahajata nissaya paccaya or conaesence dependent condition.
In the same way, at the time of conception or at the time of patisandhi or rebirth or linking from the past life and current life there are 4 namakkhandha of patisandhi citta and cetasikas and there also is hadaya vatthu which is rupakkhandha in the new life. As soon as patisandhi citta arises patisandhi kammaja rupa called hadaya rupa arises at the same time and they both depend on each other. When in pancavokara bhumi or when in realms where all 5 khandhas are available patisandhi citta cannot arise without patisandhi kammaja rupa hadaya vatthu, which is the seat of mind. So these dhammas are also serving to each other as annamanna nissaya paccaya or mutuality dependent condition and they can also be called sahajata nissaya paccaya or conaesence dependence condition.
The paccaya dhamma or causal dhamma or conditioning dhamma or supporting dhamma in each example of above three are
each of 4 namakkhandhas or 4 non material aggregates
each of 4 maha bhuta rupa or 4 great elements
each of 4 patisandhi namakkhandha, and patisandhi kammaja hadaya vatthu rupa
The resultant dhamma or paccayuppanna dhamma or conditioned dhamma or supported dhamma are all these dhamma as listed in the causal dhamma. The relationship between the cause and the effect is nissaya paccaya or dependent condition
Citta cetasikā dhamma citta samutthanānam rūpānam nissaya paccayena paccayo.
There are citta and cetasikas as dhammas and there are aslo citta samutthana rupa or citta derived rupa or citta generated rupa.
Here while nama dhamma of citta and cetasikas are serving as causal dhamma citta samutthana rupa or citta derived rupas are not dependent condition for their causal citta and cetasika. So this is one way relationship. That is the cause or causal dhamma or the supporting dhamma or the conditioning dhamma is citta and cetasika and the resultant dhamma or the conditioned dhamma orthe supported dhamma or paccayuppanna dhamma here is only citta samutthana rupa or cittaja rupa or citta derived rupa or citta generated rupa. The relationship between the cause and the effect is called nissaya paccaya or dependent condition.
This means that without citta and cetasikas dhamma these rupas will never arise at all. But citta and cetasikas never depend on their conditioned dhamma cittaja rupa.
Mahā bhūtā upādā rūpanam nissaya paccayena paccayo. Maha bhuta rupas or 4 great element are serving as supporting condition called dependent condition to 24 upādā rūpa. But 4 maha bhuta rupas do not depend on 24 upādā rupa and this is also one way relationship. The cause or causal dhamma, supporting dhamma, conditioning dhamma, paccaya dhamma is 4 maha bhuta rupa. The supported dhamma, resultant dhamma, conditioned dhamma, paccayuppanna dhamma is 24 upādā rupa. The relationship between the cause and the effect is called nissaya paccaya or dependent condition.
There is still another nissaya paccaya or dependent condition called vatthārammana purejata nissaya paccaya or base objectprenasence dependent condition. Rupa last 17 moments while citta last just 1 moment. So when rupa as arammana or object arises it arises earlier than later cittas in a vithi vara or turn of procession of consciousness.
Example is sadda or sound. It arises and when it is serving as arammana or object its co arising citta called atita bhavanga citta has passed away and there arises later and later citta in that vithi vara or turn of procession of consciousness. Example later cittas are javana cittas or impulsive consciousness. Sadda or sound arises before these javana cittas.
So sadda rupa or sound serves as prenasence condition or purejata paccaya. Again that sound serve as dependent condition. That is javana cittas have to depend on this sound without which these javana cittas can never arise. So it is purejata nissaya paccaya or prenasence dependent condition.
As sadda or sound arises at the same time when vatthas such as sota vatthu or sota pasada rupa and hadaya vatthu arise this relationship of nama dhamma (javana cittas and other mano vinnana cittas) to rupa dhammas is called vatthārammana purejata nissya paccaya or base object prenasence dependent condition.
Just before dying there arise the last hadaya vatthu. It arises 16 moments before cuti citta or dying consciousness. So when hadaya vatthu is 17 moments old that is when cuti citta arises both hadaya vatthu and cuti citta pass away at the same time.
If there is panca arammana as the last object then this arammana or object will serve as purejata nissaya paccaya for javana cittas and other mano vinnana cittas. As this arammana or object arises with hadaya vatthu and serving as purejata nissaya paccaya, this relationship between nama dhamma of javana cittas and other mano vinnana cittas and rupa dhamma hadaya vatthu and arammana which is also a rupa if it is panca arammana is called vatthārammana purejata nissaya paccaya or base object prenasence dependent condition.